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ChipFind поиск электронных компонентов



UCC INDU is the credible leading distributor for electronic components in commercial and industrial segments.

We focus on customer needs, bring them the quality products fast. We are flexible and quick to response to customer requirements or any market changes. We stick to providing qualified products, keep learning for the changing markets, standing behind our customers and growing with them every day.

•Broad range of in stock products and supplier base
•Fast response to customer inquiry and quick delivery to orders
•Constant quality supply
•Technical support and design-in service.
•Sampling and BOM-Service with no minimum purchase quantity.

Производители: ADI, Microchip, Micron, Maxin, XLINX, Nuvoton, TI, NXP and so on

  • Германия, Ladenburg
    Am Galgbrunnen 17a, 68526 Ladenburg
    Тел.: (036203) 0049 6203 9558777
    E-mail: info@uccindu.com
Просмотров карточки: 393
Переходов на сайт: 97

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