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Электронный компонент «MAX1537»

Datasheet  MAX1537
Маркировка MAX1537
Производитель Maxim Integrated Products (www.maxim-ic.com)
Комментарий High-Efficiency, 5x Output, Main Power-Supply Controllers for Notebook Computers The / are dual step-down, switchmode power-supply (SMPS) controllers with synchronous rectification, intended for main 5V / 3.3V power generation in battery-powered systems. Fixed-frequency operation with optimal interleaving minimizes input ripple current from the lowest input voltages up to the 26V maximum input. Optimal 40 / 60 interleaving allows the input voltage to go down to 8.3V before duty-cycle overlap occur
Функционал Контроллеры источников питания (Power Supply Controllers)

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