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ChipFind поиск электронных компонентов



Goldeagle Technology LLC is one of the largest independent distributors of new and original electronic components.
We specialize in integrated circuits, transistors, diodes and other passive components in commercial through military levels.

Специализация: At Goldeagle Technology LLC, we pride ourselves on our highly diverse selection of premium products and world-class customer service. We have an extensive data library as well as knowledgeable salespeople to help you with all your purchasing needs. We have the networks and resources necessary to help you connect and locate products immediately all over the world. Goldeagle Technology LLC also specializes in obsolete products and discount offers for all sorts of IC components from known brands of all reputable manufacturers. With the highest quality of electronic components commercially available combined with our timely delivery, our mission is to provide our clients with exceptional products along with exceptional customer service.

Регионы: Wilmington, Delaware

Сумма минимального заказа: US$100

  • США, Wilmington, Delaware
    1000 North West Street, Suite 1200
    Тел.: (+1) 302-689-8299
    E-mail: info@goldeagletech.com
Просмотров карточки: 1865
Переходов на сайт: 339

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