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DSP Innovations Inc.

DSP Innovations Inc.


DSP Innovations Inc. (DSPINI) was founded in 2007, having united the best scientists, software engineers and hardware designers with great experience in DSP and development of various telecommunication equipment. Our mainstream is speech technologies and voice communication: innovative methods of speech coding, speech enhancement (noise and echo cancelling, spectrum equalization, etc.), advanced methods of "source-channel coding".

DSP Innovations is a supplier of DSP-software and engineering services. Proprietary and standard vocoders from DSPINI have superior characteristics, operate in range from 300 bps up to 64 kbps bit rates and are used in: Secure Voice, Software Defined Radio, Wireless, VoIP, Voice Storage, etc.

Регионы: Worldwide

  • Франция, Cenon
    99 rue du Marechal Foch
    Тел.: (33) 970403399
    E-mail: info@dspini.com
Просмотров карточки: 4819
Переходов на сайт: 1332

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